Baby Balance Bike, Tricycle for 1 2 3 Year Old no Pedal, CHESTNUTER Sturdy Toddler Balance Bicycle, Best Birthday Gift for 12-36 Months Boy Girl, Indoor Outdoor Kids Riding Toys with 3 Wheels(Black)
【Strong frame】: The frame made of carbon steel is extremely strong, and the joint is welded. It can carry 80 pounds of children and ride effortlessly.
【Wider Use Ages】: 1-3 Years Old. Adjustable seats range from 11.2 "to 15.2" for more ages,suitable for babies 12-36 months old to develop muscle strength, balance, coordination, and confidence;
【Classic design】: Classic three wheel stability design, Tricycle with no pedals,baby will not tip over because of the stability when it stops.
【Smooth riding】: The front wheel is equipped with two high standard rollers to assist the smooth rotation of the front wheel. Children only need to control the balance, which is the real exercise of balance ability, and does not need much strength.
【Comfortable】: EVA tires prevent slipping on most floors and will not hurt your floor, which can also buffer the transmission of vibration, baby ride more comfortable.Front wheel diameter 8” and 1.8“ width,Rear wheel diameter 7” and 1.5“ width.
【Safe】: No sharp corners to keep children from being scratched. we're confident to offer an outstanding 24 months hassle free return policy and lifetime security. Any problem you can turn our customer service to help.
【Easy to install】: Easy to install. If the action is quick and does not exceed 5 minutes, it is recommended to tighten the screws on the seat and steering shaft for riding safety.
【Warning Notes】: Make Sure places are in safe and DON'T leave children alone while playing. Baby Bike is not suitable for slopes, streets, roads, bumps, muddy and wet roads.